DeFi Developer News 1/1-1/6: Ethereum Timing Dashboard, Validator Timing Strategies post EIP-4844, OpenZeppelin Defender Supports Scroll

Infrastructure 🌉
- Light Clients recaps ACDE (courtesy abcoathup) - Dencun testnet fork dates confirmed:
- Goerli 17 Jan 2024
- Sepolia 30 Jan 2024
- Holesky 07 Feb 2024
- Toni Wahrstatter releases Ethereum Timing Dashboard, aiming to keep users informed of timing games- a potential centralizing force in Ethereum.
- Nimbus releases v24.1.0 a low-urgency upgrade bringing full support for the upcoming Cancun-Deneb hard-fork on the Goerli testnet.
- QuickNode now supports Reth
- PhABC proposes a method using a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache to enhance the efficiency of state management in Ethereum clients, allowing for significant gas limit increase.
- Nethermind RC 1.25.0 is out and includes Goerli Dencun hard fork support, Optimism Canyon hard fork support, 10% faster block processing times and JSON RPC support for javascript tracers
- Nethermind is now on Onlydust, an incentivized Open Source Development platform. visit OnlyDust if you want to contribute.
- Celestia unveils its Rollups as a Service page, where founders can find simple RaaS solutions using Celestia DA.
- Optimism no longer supports Goerli and encourages developers to move to Sepolia. Guide here
- Parallel Network mainnet is now open for developers. Parallel is an NFT-focused omni-chain L2 blockchain built on Arbitrum that "unifies liquidity from any chain into one place."
- Movement Labs integrates Hyperlane so that M2 and chains launching with the Move Stack now have instant interoperability with EVM liquidity.
- Josh Stein has created a mempool visualization tool for Celestia
- BrooksPrumo created a proposal to halve Solana's rent.
Mechanism/Research 🔬
- Terence chan writes an analysis of validator timing strategies post EIP-4844
- Espresso Systems analyzes BFT preconfrimations and Proposer Promised Preconfirmations.
- Nethermind Research published research on 2 approaches for improving encrypted transaction mempools using Distributed Validator Clusters: DVs as Builders and Relays, and DVs as committees that are responsible for timely transaction decryption.
Security 👾
- OpenZeppellin Defender now supports Scroll
- Liquidity management protocol Gamma Strategies had an exploit on its hypervisor contract, with a total loss of $6.3 million. The team is working with partners and security professionals on the issue and has posted a remediation plan.
- Aave disabled three markets, AVAX, WMATIC, and MaticX, to mitigate a potential technical issue. There is no fund loss.
- Cross-chain lending protocol Radiant was hacked for 1,900 ETH (~$4.5 million). The root cause is a time window exploit in a newly launched USDC market. The Radiant DAO Council has temporarily paused lending/borrowing markets on Arbitrum while the issue is investigated further.
- Cross-chain bridge protocol Orbit Chain was hacked and has seen unauthorized outflows of $81.5 million in DAI, USDC, USDT, ETH, and WBTC. The team has requested major exchanges to freeze stolen assets while monitoring the stolen assets.